Tuesday, September 26, 2006

マーヤのインスピレーション Marya's Inspiration

Marya Blackwell is an excellent CQer from California. I know how gorgeous embroidery and SRE she does through the Fan RR we did together. I have a beautiful book mark from her by another swap. It's really gorgeous, made of doubled organdie ribbon with big beads and a long tussel. But I couldn't find such big book in my bookshelf for its 50cm length. It makes a very beautiful wall hanging at my house now. On this block, she has made a beautiful embroidered picture with gorgeous wisterias.

She made a nice branch with a chenille yarn.

The variation of colors and stitches of wisterias is very artistic.

Very delicate and fine beads works.

I love the varigated color.

In Japan wisterias are one of the symbol flower of gorgeous and beautiful spring season. It's just like you. Thank you very much for your nice work, Marya.

1 comment:

jessica said...

this is very pretty. delicate.