Wednesday, September 02, 2009

九月 ― 秋来ぬと… Album Amicorum page of September

今年の初めだったと思いますがノルウェーのアティの主宰する Fibre Fever(”布や糸に夢中” という位の意味だと思います)という布の本のページを交換する小さなグループに誘われて入りました。ずっと幽霊会員だったのですが、8月から始まったAAページの交換に参加しました。AA(Album Amicorum)のページというのは辞書にも載っていなくて初めて知ったのですが、詩や箴言など好きな言葉を添えた小さな作品(15x20センチ)のことで、吉屋信子の女学生の世界っぽいところが気に入っています。表ページが作品、裏ページに言葉を添えます。アティの作品を見ると少しイメージがわくと思います。

Though I had been a ghost member of the "Fibre Fever" group of Ati, I decided to join the AA page swap starting in August. I loved the first experience to make a fabric page with some favorite words on the back.


My first page is for Marja in Nederland. I chose an old Japanese poem about the beginning of Autumn. In Japan we have two styles of short poems. Haiku is now wellknown all ove the world. Another older style is Waka/Tanka. It consists of 31moras in five metrical phrases of 5, 7, 5, 7 and 7. (The first three phrases became Haiku independently.)


Here's my interpretation. "It seems the view isn't different (from yesterday), but I've noticed autumn has already come because of (today's) wind."



1 comment:

Ati said...

I've said already that the page is lovely on your Flickr, but thank you for the explanation of the poem :)
To us western folk the Japanese art is very special! and nice!