Sunday, July 30, 2006

アジサイ三題 Hydrangea




紫陽花と書きますが、雨に濡れながら重たげに頭を垂れて咲いているのが、日本人が思うアジサイのように思います。梅雨明けも近いようですが、アジサイ色のハートを三つ、作りました。二つはスワップに、一つはコメント欄に何度か投稿してくれている Ayako さんに。今年は鎌倉にアジサイを見に行くのもままならなかったでしょう。そして心はアジサイのように移り変わっていることでしょう。早く元気になることを祈って。 

Sakutaro Hagiwara (1886~1942, a poet) compared his heart to hydrangea; the colour is easily changing and never satisfied with its present colour. I am sorry I can't translate his beautiful lines into English.
Hydrangea is blooming in a rainy season, from mid June to July, in Japan. For us, the flower balls seems to be always bending their heads in wet. Lots of temples in Kamakura (near Tokyo but very old and beautiful historical town) are very famous with their beautiful hydramgea gardens.
Two of my three hydrangea hearts are for swapping with Wilma in Holland and Jo in New Zealand. The last one is for my dear friend Ayako, who has visited this blog and commented often. She must have missed hydrangeas in Kamakura this year because of her illness. I hope she will be well soon.  

Thursday, July 27, 2006

宮谷真知子さん Machiko Miyatani


Machiko Miyatani is a wellknown crazy quilter in Japan. She lives in west part of Japan and has her class there and Tokyo. I live in north, so I only see her in TV or magazines. In 1994 she published "Crazy Quilts for Beginners", which is the first and the last Japanese book about crazyquilting. It has been out of print for years and is very hard to get now.
In this book, she says she learned her style from Peggy Mcmorris's "Carzy Quilts", in which we would learn the history of CQ and see lots of beautiful antique crazy quilts. Machiko's works are really beautiful, elegant and classic. Fabrics are gorgeous and seam stitches are neat. I love to see the photos of her beautiful and Japanese flavor added works in this books.
When piecing blocks, she uses designed patterns. I don't know the reason. But is it easier for beginners, I wonder. In my class I have never recommend patterns.
Last time I mentioned about some Japanese traditional patterns which influenced CQ. You may see two photos in her book; one is the pattern by Hokusai(a famous wooden printer) from Edo era (mid 18c~19c) and another Kenshin's kimono from 16th century.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

手まり糸 Temari threads


Temari means a "hand ball". It's not a toy but a traditional Japanese handcraft ornament embellished beautifully by threads. You would see there Japanese artistic sense. To make temari seems to be a popular craft, for we can buy those threads very easily, while to find DMC rayon is hard. Though those threads are polyester today, they have so silky touch and softness I like to use them for CQ. They give very nice accent. There are many colors and lames in variety. The thread is a bit fat and we can't separate into strands.
The temari of the photos is not embellished by threads but fabrics. It's made in KIMEKOMI style, another Japanese craft.
Foreign CQers might see a crazypatched style in Oriental way there. In Machiko Miyatani(a Japanese wellknown CQer)'s book,I have read that Western people were so impressed by Japanese traditional not-symmetry patterns, they took the style into Victorian crazyquilting. She also introduces in the same book, a beautiful crazypatched kimono a famous Japanese lord, Kenshin Uesugi wore in the end of 16th century.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

百日百針 100 details in 100 days

シャロンさんが "100 details in 100 days" (一応「百日百針」と訳してみました。)を始めて33日が過ぎました。毎日、シームステッチ、モチーフ刺繍、ビーズワークなど、一日一つ自分のこれまでの作品の一部の写真を送ってくれるので、それを参考に適当なアレンジも入れて、それぞれに追いかけながら試してみるという形で始まりました。メンバーの人たちの日々のステッチは、Flickr のグループアルバムでも見られますが、この企画についての独立したアルバムもありますので、リンクに追加しておきました。参加者も増えさまざまな人が、これまでの自分の作品の中からそれぞれの百日百針を自分のブログにも載せています。私は最初の頃から、シャロンさんのお手本を下敷きに、ときどきは適当に代えて、追いかける形でやっています。自分のアルバムにこれまでのステッチ写真は全部載せてありますし、セットを開くと、まとめてご覧になれます。

It's passed 33 days since Sharon's "100 details in 100 days" started in Mid June.
When I was a beginner, I tried lots of variation of seam stitches; single stitch, two combination, three combination, in one color, two colors, three colors and more, with beads or without beads, etc. This time as a color combination I am using only white, ecrue, beige and cream. But threads are really in variety; DNC#25, DMC rayon, a few kind of Japanese silk threads, sewing machine threads, TEMARI threads, hemp threads, etc. I am enjoying their combination in variety.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

デビー・リードさんと園部美知子さん Debbie R and Michiko Sonobe

私が初めて海外武者修行を企て、CQI (クレージーキルティング・インターナショナル)というアメリカのYahoo グループに参加したとき、真っ先に歓迎のメールを送ってくれたのが、デビー・リードさんです。そのとき彼女のメールは沖縄からでした。宣教師の奥様として三年間、沖縄で過ごし、丁度アメリカに帰国する直前のことでした。このブログにも早速の励ましを寄せてくれました。彼女の素晴らしいヴィクトリアンな刺繍や作品を、私はいつも感嘆しながら見せてもらって来ました。彼女のブログをリンクに載せましたのでごらん下さい。英語を読まなくても、最近、ご両親の結婚四十二年のお祝いに徹夜で仕上げた、結婚写真をレースで囲み美しいリボン刺繍とビーズで飾った素晴らしいを作品をご覧になれるでしょう。『コットン・ベル』という作品が私は大好きです。
日本にいたデビーさんですから、日本のキルターのこともご存知です。彼女の憧れは園部美知子さんです。(この4月、私は彼女の本を別のキルターにも送りました。)Vintage Vogue社(メーリングリストのスポンサーです)の通販リストにはいつも日本のパッチワーク通信やキルトジャパンの最近号が載っています。日本のキルトは注目されているようです。

When I decided to learn more about CQ and joined the Crazyquilting International group, Debbie Reed was the first person who sent me a welcome greeting. It was from Okinawa. She lived there for three years as a missionary wife and was just going back home to US. She has also encouraged me with this blog.I have put her blog in the link. You can see her gorgeous work she did for her parents wedding 42th anniversary. And if you open the crazyquilt mailing list, you would find her beautiful works more in her albumn. I love her "Cotton Bells" so much. As she was in Japan, she knows Japanese quilters' names and works. I love her "Cotton Belles". I know she admires Michiko Sonobe very much. And I know another US CQer who loves Michiko's works, for I sent her a copy of the book.(I will intruduce her next time.) I am always seeing Japanese quilt magazines and books in the item list from the Vitage Vogue. Japanese quilters and their works seem to be drawing attentions from abroad.
I have uploaded the photo of a small purse I made a few years ago, using a pattern from Michiko's book.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

シャロンさんのオンラインクラス Sharon・Boggon's Online Class


オーストラリアにシャロン・ボゴンさんという有名なクレージーキルターがいます。何年も前から憧れの人でしたが、今年二月、オンラインのクラスを開いてくれました。色あわせ、布の接ぎ方から始まって、シームステッチ、モチーフ刺繍、ブレードやレースづかい、ビーズ・ボタンの飾り、と惜しみなく持てる技術や知識を教えてくれました。そして毎週、講座の進行に合わせて、仕上がってゆく受講生のブロックに講評を加え、疑問には丁寧に答えてくれ、大感激でした。一緒に受講した人たちとも、互いの作品を見合い、誉め合い、意見交換しながら親交が深まりました。そのときのクラスを母体にしたグループもできました。私のFlickr アルバムは、最初はそのときの必要から作ったものです。ですから、そのクラスでの進行に合わせて、裸のブロックがどう変化していくかを追うことができます。 完成したブロックは周囲からも好評でしたが、自分でもとても気に入り、「夏の微風」というタイトルをつけました。


In this February I took an online class of Sharon Boggon, a very well-known Austrailian crazy quilter, I had admired for years. She taught us everything; colour coodinating, piecing, seam stitches, motifs embroidery, using of braids and laces, beading and button clusters and etc. She answered our questions and encouraged us much. In addition, she made a group after the class. We, students made comments and praised each other, and became friends. We were required to have our own albumn then and I made mine in Flickr site. You would see how my naked block progressed to be completed. I was so satisfied with my completed one I gave it a title "Summer Breeze". I received many nice comments from others with it.

I will add the sites of HPs and blogs of oversea CQers one by one for Japanese readers and also would add Japanese links as well for foreigners who might be interested in our culture. I would like to ask Japanese readers to help me.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

ハート二つ Two Hearts


I have finished two hearts for Candji in US and Ati in Norway. When I make something for swapping with oversea people, I usually try to give my works a Japanese air, though I don't think my sense is better than average here. But still I must have some native sense more than Westerners. Though I haven't been so carefull with our own culture before because they are too familier to be, I am watching them more consciously now, even a TV drama. I really enjoy seeing and learning kimono coordinates in it.
Anyway here are all of my hearts I have been making since this spring. I like to see them together.

Friday, July 14, 2006

もうクリスマスに向けて Christmas DYB RR

DYB RR というのは15cm角のブロックを6枚作り、6人のメンバーが順に回しながら、1枚ずつを仕上げてゆき、自分でも1枚仕上げ、都合6枚の完成したブロックが手元に残るというラウンドロビンです。ようやく梅雨も明けて夏本番の近い7月ですが、もうクリスマスのためのDYBが私の入っているCQIで始まりました。一人一ヶ月の順に回ると戻ってくるのが十一月、ちょうどクリスマスに間に合うというわけです。今日、旅立って行った私のブロックは、雪をイメージしたブルーです。

Today I mailed out my naked blocks for Christmas DYB of CQI. I chose the blue reminding us the wintery scene.

こんにちわ、初めまして Hello


Hello All,
I have had my blog in since this March. But it's so inconvenient I've decided to move here. I will use both Japanese and English depending on the situation. If you are interested in my old blog, please access to the addy above. I hope my world extend broader here.