Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is she looking up?


I finished working on Rengin's block of Victorian Ladies DYB. This is my last job for others. First I made a bit more space in front of the lady in print.

Added big lace motifs to empahasize the print.



I had to think much to put what she is looking up.                                                             

I was very glad when I found a charm of Eiffel Tower.  

Saturday, February 23, 2013

New DYB starting in mid-March

3月半ばに始まるCQIの ”Encrusted DYB” のブロックです。

I've joined in "Encrusted DYB" of CQI starting mid-March. Here are six blocks for it.  



Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Fabric Book for CQJP 2012

Finally I finished my fabric book of CQJP blocks in 2012.

Front cover.           


The first page of January block.




Back cover.


I'll add a contents page or something another next time.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

教室だより Recent my CQ Classroom

先週、カルトナージュの体験レッスンをしました。生徒さんの中に実はカルトナージュの先生がいらして、みんなで是非にとお願いして、実現したものです。材料と道具を準備してきて丁寧に教えて下さり、みなそれぞれに時間内で可愛いフォトフレームと、タッセルを作り、楽しいひと時を過ごしました。 私の作ったフレームとタッセルです。写真のかわりに、ピッタリのクロスステッチのモチーフを昔、誰かからもらったのがあったのを思い出して入れました。

Last Wednesday, we had a small lesson of Cartonnage from a student in my CQ class, who is learning CQ to use the technique for her Cartonnage works. We made a small photo frame. She also taught us to make a pretty tassel then.


Kaori さん
Akemi さん
優しい素敵な Yuki 先生の本格的な作品はこちらでご覧下さい。ご自分のカルトナージュにクレージーキルトを取り入れてみたいということで昨年から教室に通ってきていますが、遠からずクレージーキルトを使った作品を見せて頂ける日を楽しみにしております。


このクロシェ編みのお花は Masumi さんが先月、新年のお年玉として全員に編んでくれたもの。 そのときもその場にいた全員で編み方を教えてもらいました。そこにあったあり合せの糸で編んだのですが、椿みたいになりました。


Saturday, February 09, 2013


I was cleaning up my stuffs in drawers and found this kit I bought maybe over twenty years ago. The fabric had a few holes so I made a pincushion using my own similar velveteen. Isn't it a lovely pincushion?
The technique is pin-beading and it reminded me the heart ornaments I saw in the book of Janet Haigh's "Crazy Patchwork". I was so interested in them when I got a book but didn't try to make one then. I thought it's the chance to try to make one now.
I followed the instruction of the book to make this heart but I thought it's no problem to apply the technique more easily. I made those hearts and ornaments from my UFO naked blocks. They would be for charity bazar in future.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Lisa's Block

Here's Lisa's block of Victorian Ladies DYB I worked on.

As you see the lady is happily walking in snowy woods wearing in pumps. My interpretation is she must have felt some spring air and couldn't stay at home.

But still she needs boots, doesn't she.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Snowball Swap with Nicki Lee

We are doing a swap of friendship in CQI. In January I swapped with Nicki Lee. Here's her    beautiful snowball for me.
 She is an excellent dyer of laces. I was so happy to find those extras. Thanks, Nicki Lee!!
 Her most favorite theme is "Under the Sea" and "Mermaid". So I made this one for her.


       I borrowed the scene from H.Andrsen's "Little Mermaid".

Monday, February 04, 2013



Thank you very much to Ladies from oversea for the comments about 2012 CQJP blocks while I was stopping to blog. They were very encouraging.


I've already finished each page and pieced the cover for the fabric book.