Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jo's Christmas Tree Block


This's Jo's block of Xmas RR we did last year. I received it after Christmas, so was very slow to work on it. But finally I've finished it before winter is coming in Southern hemisphere.

Here's the block done by Debbie Q, Leslie and Kerry before me.

First addition of mine.

Then I embellished on the top part.


If you compare this photo with the first one, you would see what has been added.

The Winners!


Today is the day of drawing for my giveaway. The entries were 38 in total. Thank you very much to all for your comments on my blog and flickr site. I wrote down each name on a small paper, put them together in a basket and drew two pieces.


Here are the winners!

Congratulations, Margreet and Naoko!!

Margreet, thank you very much for your four comments! That might be a reason you've won! You had more possibilities. And Naoko, I am glad you've got one. I really appreciate a comments from Japan.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome Back, Debbie Reed!!

Hi All, I am very happy and exciting to have got two comments from Debbie Reed for my last blog posts!! She e-maild me last year she had mis-deleted her former blog (what a misfortune!) but she would start new one soon. Finally she's come back!!
Here's her new blog. Debbie, I've been waiting for you. I am so happy to hear your voice and can chatter each other again!!

I've been always bringing this my favorite photo of your work on my cellular phone. I hope you don't complain if I show it here on my blog.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Set of Two Round CQed Blocks


I've embellished other two round blocks and framed them with turquize blue fabric. They might be a front and back of purse or hussif or something different. I haven't got any idea yet.


Can you see I've used left-overs of these bandanas I made for our dog a few months ago?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

読者プレゼント Giveaway


I've found visitors to this blog is now over 100 thousands. It's a suprising number for me. I appreciate you all who are coming here. Your encouragements make me keeping this blog. Recently I've made three pinkeepers. I'll use two of them as giveaway for my readers. Please give me a comment to this post by April 27th. Next 28th, I'll draw two names from the list of people who give comments. I'll count the people who comment for those pinkeepers on my flickr album site too. Thank you very much for your interests in my work.

These two pinkeepers are for giveaway.

This last one is for myself, lol.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Snow in April


We had snow in April today.

Snow on peach blossom,

On tulips,


Can you distinguish flowers from snow on this "snow willow"?


Friday, April 16, 2010

Three ATCs for April


I made three ATCs this month.

This's the monthly one for CQI.

先日リトヴァに作ったAA の残り布を使いました。
As you see, these are made of left-over of last Ritva's AA page.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My April AA Page for Ritva


I've made my April AA page for Ritva. I had seen this photo in a book and been very attracted by this vivid color combination of pink, red and purple which I might have felt uncomfortable before. But it attracted me very much then.

I added some solid color fabrics to tie silk fabrics Helina sent me last month.

Isn't it boring? Some moving elements are required, I felt.

Here's the finished block. I think my stitching technics haven't been progressed much. But I like always to challenge colors.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cathy's Block of All Wool DYB

ウールDYB のキャシーのブロックに刺繍しました。彼女のテーマは北部の森林の季節ということでしたので、何となくこんなふうに木を配置しました。

Cathy's theme is "North Woods- Seasons". First I've arranged trees like this.


I easily planned to make a spring scene because it's spring now. But while stitching I realized the scene was going away from "North Woods". I desperately kept stitching a bit more and stopped for a while. It had become worse.

But it impossible to redo all. I made my mind to finish though it looks just like a Japanese field scene in Spring. I hope Cathy won't be disappointed with my work so much.

Spring is near though we have still cold days here. Cherry blossoms will bloom in this weekend or a bit later?

Friday, April 09, 2010

April AA Page from Jeanne

今月私に届いたAA ページはスイスのジャンヌからです。丁寧に細かなアウトラインとチェーンステッチで刺された可愛いパンジーの花かごの刺繍が春の到来を告げてくれています。

Jeanne, Switzland sent me a lovely AA page for April. She embroidered a pretty pansy basket for happy spring.


She added Charles Baudelaire 's words for me.
”Inspiration comes of working every day."

Jeanne, thank you very much for your nice stitching and words!!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

My Class in March

普段の色合いと違うので、どういう心境の変化?と聞いたら、フィギアスケートの衣装に影響されたのかも、という返事でした。真央ちゃんの仮面舞踏会、ミキティのクレオパトラetc が脳裏に焼き付いて、というわけらしいです。Ikuko さんの作品です。

Ikuko's small wall hanging.

こちらはKyoko さんらしい可愛らしい、いかにもルンルン春の色合いの待ち針キープです。
Kayoko's pin-keepers.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Ritva's DYOB 4 Block to me

DYOB 4 のブロックはフィンランドのリトヴァと交換することになり、彼女から届いたブロックです。色もステッチも繊細で見飽きません。

My swap partner of DYOB 4 block was Ritva and her beautiful block has arrived here. Both of the colour and stitches are so delicate, I am never tired of seeing it.