Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

年の瀬も押し迫り、クリスマスです。しばらくブログにもご無沙汰していました。針を持っていないわけでもないのですが、片づけや掃除の方に忙しくしています。これは10年前、クレージーを始めた最初の頃、西も東もわからずまずは布のピーシングとシームステッチを練習していた時に作ったものです。今見るととても寂しいのですが、"very victorian" とネーミングされた布セットの色合いその他に 今も愛着があります。Flight of Fancy Butique のクリスマスカラーのレースモチーフやボタンのセットを足しました。   

I've added embellishments from Flight of Fancy Butique on my very plain crazy quilt I made ten years ago when I was a beginner. I didn't know anything about crazy quilting then; what kind of fabrics to use, how to piece them, how to do seam stitches. I had to learn everthing by myself. I bought a fabric set for crazy quilting named "Very Victorian" (isn't it nice naming?) of some Ebay shop and tried to piece them and did seam stitched with my best efforts. But it's too simple and plain and seems more embelishments required for present point of view after ten years. Isn't it better now?                          



Thursday, December 05, 2013

Gipsy Garden Collection Block #5 & #6


Here are #5 and #6 blocks finished of Gipsy Garden Collection. Three other blocks are left to be worked.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Red Hat Pin

何年前だったか覚えていませんが、ネット上で "Red Hat Society" というグループのことが話題になり、何も知らなかった私はその団体の由来になったという英国の女流詩人ジェニー・ジョセフという人の詩にとても惹かれました。私なりに訳すとこんなふうです。




When I heard about "Red Hat Society" and read Jenny Joseph's "Warning" a few years ago, I was so impressed I bought this pin by auction. Though I hadn't remembered it since then, I happened to find it and decided to use. Here's a small pouch I've made. The print is of Gerda Wegener, a Danish woman artist in Art Decor period.




You might remember this small cqed block. I've also used an old earring from my drawer.


Monday, December 02, 2013

To US Friends

I would like to tell you, all my US friends, how much we Japanese people are welcoming our new US Ambassador. You must know she is Ms Caroline Kennedy. On November 19, she travelled by horsedrawn carriage into the Imperial Palace to present her credentials to Emperor Akihito.

After a week, she visited to Sendai in Miyagi  and other places to meet people affected by disasters of two years ago.

What a big encouragement for us!! It's fifty years ago when her father, President Kennedy was assassinated. I was a junior high school student then. I remember how we were shocked with the sad news. I've never thought that little girl would come to Japan to work for our two countries' friendship! There's always a future hope.