レベッカのラウンド・ロビンブロックへの作業を終わらせました。これは5人で飾りますが、私がトップバッターです。何も飾っていない状態です。彼女は特にテーマはないと書いていましたが、私は可愛い小物がプリントされた布を生かしたいと思い、いろいろ考えました。 Here's Rebecca's naked RR block. She says she dosen't have a certain theme.
勝手に『彼女がサンタにお願いしている物』というテーマにしました。 But I've given it a theme, "What she is asking Santa Clause for".
Hideko your work is beautiful. The half lady face is so neat she stands out and makes your block even more spectatular. Can you tell me were you purchased the faces, as I'd love to get some for my work. Hugs Andrea New Zealand.
oh Hideko I needed some soothing for my soul and I find it when I come to look at your blog- I absolutely adore what you have done with this block its magnificent friend. the lady face is so beautifully made and thank you for your step by step method that was so informative love you always Bear xoxoxoxoxo
Hideko your work is beautiful. The half lady face is so neat she stands out and makes your block even more spectatular. Can you tell me were you purchased the faces, as I'd love to get some for my work.
New Zealand.
I love what you did with the lady's face. Very beautiful!
oh Hideko
I needed some soothing for my soul and I find it when I come to look at your blog- I absolutely adore what you have done with this block its magnificent friend. the lady face is so beautifully made and thank you for your step by step method that was so informative
love you always Bear xoxoxoxoxo
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