A platform of Sinkansen(super express) in Sendai station:
The station is about 20 minutes walk from my house.

Sendai Air port:
My husband had luckily flied back from Nagoya in the morning of the day.

Near Sendai Port:
Gas tanks exploded.

Town center:
As you see buildings didn't get s serious damage around here, fifteen minutes walk from my house. People is making 1 kim long line to buy foods. Donna & Jonathan, Carlton & Katie, you may guess the situation. The line started from Mitsukoshi towards Daiei, which was opned for two hours then.

This photo is not of Sendai but Nobiru, coast town, where my husband's uncle and his family live. What a relieve for us we've heard they are all alive, though their houses were completely destroyed by tsunami.

Today is my biirthday. It's snowing, very cold.
Happy Birthday Hideko. I'm sorry for the disaster in Japan. I'm sure it is hard to celebrate with the recent devastation but I hope you do try to enjoy your day knowing you are admired and thought of by many friends here in the US.
Oh, Hideko, how sad to see the photos of your city. Just so much damage and devastation, it's awful. What a blessing your husband landed before the airport was destroyed and that your other family members are safe. There is so much sympathy for your country right now and we will all do what we can to help.
Diane in Ontario
Our hearts are breaking for you, your family, and your country. But Japan is a strong nation, with men and women of strong character. I have full faith that your all will continue to band together to help each other. And that the international community will continue to provide assistance. Know that ya'll are in our hearts and prayers here in the states.
Sending huge warm hugs!!
I am writing you from eastern Canada. We are so very sorry to learn of this tragedy, and we are praying for you and all residents of Japan. I am a Crazy Quilter, and am encouraging my CQ friends and the members of my quilting Guild to get involved in the Hearts and Hands for Sendai project.
I would also like to send you birthday wishes- my birthday is just a few days away...warmest wishes to you from Canada, Hideko.
Love and prayers to you and your family.
Oh Hideko...not a very happy birthday.. but we are so relieved you and your family survived... It is going to be a terrible time to go through... I can only send you my love but wish I could send warmth and food... Hugs Gerry...
I know it's difficult to have a happy birthday with all the destruction and turmoil Hideko, but we are so grateful you are alive. I'm also relieved to hear your family members are fine, though my heart breaks for their loss. Thank-you for keeping us updated, the pictures are heart wrenching. Bless you and your family, you continue in my prayers.
My dear beloved Hideko......I want to wish you a very happy birthday........I also send you a big warm hug! I am so sorry you are going through all this tragedy, especially on your birthday. Just know that we are all sending our love and best wishes to you today. I am so glad to hear your relatives were found safe. Thank you for keeping us posted on everything there and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and your family. You and yours are in my prayers.
Josie in Texas
Hello Hideko,
Even if it is diffult to be happy now, I want to whish you a good birthday. It is very hard to see the pictures and to follow the news here. My heart breaks each time when I see the disaster. I am so happy that your family is doing well. I hope it is not to hard for you and that your own house is not to much hurt.
Many hugs,
Mireille from Belgium
It is a major tragedy no doubt and many suffered so horribly!!! Keeping your family and the survivors of Japan in my positive thoughts for relief from this disaster sooner than later.
I hope you can celebrate your birthday with your family even though you are naturally saddened this day too! Take care.
Happy Birthday Hideko! Even though the big disaster, I wish you and your family all the best. Take care
Dear Hideko,
I wish You all best for Your birthday and especially for the future,
I pray for Japan each day and I'm still shoked when I watch television.
Now caused through that desaster from the quake espacial dificulties through the nuclear threats, the people here in Germany demonstrate against the nuclear power plants again like they did in the 70th when I was a young girl. And our gouvernment is thinking to shut down some of the older nuclear power plants. That should only the beginning for all of us, for the whole world.
Japan is not alone help is on its way.
My thoughts are with You, Your family and Japan.
Stay healthy
Happy Birthday dear Hideko.
A lot of sunshine from a sunny snow white north of Sweden
Dear Hideko, I think we all are relieved that your family survived but my heart goes to all the people who have lost everyting. I hope you have a nice day on your birthday with the people you love.
Hewoo Hideko
Happy Burfday dear friend although it seems so sad to be having a burfday with such pain all around you doesnt it. Am really happy your Husbands family is alive and well, homes can be rebuilt .....
the pictures are unreal Its so sad to see the amount of damage that the tusnami caused Hideko.
Stay safe Hideko please,
much love and warmest wishes for your birthday
love n hugs Belinda Bear xoxoxoxoxo
Sending much love to you, your family, your city, and your country...
Dear Hideko,
Its so good that you and your family are safe and well. The hearts of our nation go out to the people of Japan. Such tragedy. Be safe dear friend and know that you are thought of at this time. Marilyn
Dear Hideko-san. Even from this great distance, the scenes of devastation are harrowing. You must have been very relieved to hear that your husband’s family are safe. I do wish you a Happy Birthday although I imagine it is difficult to celebrate amid such tragedy. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so glad to hear your family is well. I am praying for Japan, for you and your community. Much love and courage, Susan Elliott
Happy birthday, Hideko. I wish you continued safety. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Cathy L
Dear Hideko,
Even with the photos and descriptions, it is still difficult to comprehend the devastation you are in. My very best wishes for you and those around you. May you find something to smile about on your special day. Much love, Betty
Hello Hideko. It is great that you and your family are all safe. Much love being sent to you and everyone in your country. Hopefully the temps will warm up soon. Big Hug Judy
You are on my mind so much these days. Having met you brings this tragedy home to me in a personal way.
You and your whole country will continue to be in my prayers.
Dear Hideko, Happy Birthday, although it comes at such a sad time. It is a nice gift knowing your family members are all safe. We are all praying for your continued safety and contributing to relief efforts for the people of Japan. With love and hugs, Cathy
May your birthday be the start of healing and brighter times to come. We're all thinking of you!
Birthday Greetings!! May sunshine pour into your life today and may Japan begin to heal from the devastation. Very happy to hear your family is safe. Sending lots of hugs for you today and prayers for healing all of Japan. God Bless Hideko and her family during these difficult times.
Linda M in NM
Prayers and thoughts have been with you and your country. We are all so deeply saddened by the devastation your country has experienced. We are getting involved in the quilt project and spreading the word.
Hi Hideko,
Happy Birthday! It is difficult to see such devastation in our "home away from home". We fondly remember many of the places in the photos in your blog.
We are thankful that you and your family are safe and we wish you well. Please give everyone our greetings. We miss you and our Japanese "family".
Thank you for the updates on your blog, we look forward to reading them and are hoping and praying that things in Sendai and Japan will improve soon.
Donna, Jonathan & Donavan
Happy Birthday, Hideko. I´m really happy, hear from you again.
You and all the people there are in my prayers.
Dear Hideko,
Happy Birthday! What a shock it is to see photos of the damage done by the earthquake and tsunami in our "home away from home". We fondly remember some of the places in the photos.
We are so thankful that you and your family are safe! Please give them our greetings. We miss you and our Japanese "family". We continue to hope and pray that you are well.
Thank you for your blog updates. We anxiously look forward to reading them and are hoping that things will be better in Sendai and Japan soon.
Donna, Jonathan & Donavan
Hi Hideko,
by all the pictures go around the world, it will breaks my heart. All my good thoughts are with you in Japan!
I wish all the best for your birthday and especially for the future!
Happy Birthday !.....we are all so sad in the UK watching pictures of the disaster in Japan,sending big hugs and prayers to you all over there xxxxxxxxx
Wishing you a Wonderful Birthday, and a new year filled with rebuilding, rebirth and promise.
We have watched reports of the destruction in your country and felt helpless and overwhelmed by what was happening.
How thankful that you and your family are safe. Sending prayers for all of Japan.
Dear hideko
happy birthday.Sunny days will come. I hope everything will be fine and beautiful days will come for you. God bless you and Japan.
we are sending pray and love from Turkey
A very happy birthday and lots of hugs in this sad time for your country. I was glad to hear your family is safe and that your husband is back with you.
Happy Birthday!!!! My heart and prayers go out to you, your family/friends, and your country. Thank you for inspiring me with your wonderful, beautiful work.
Phoenix, Arizona
Dear Hideko
We were all so relieved to hear from you that you and all your family were safe. I am glad your husband made it in so you would all be together. Tough times ahead but you will come thru it.
The whole world is praying for you.
Happy birthday my friend.
I wish you a happy birthday belatedly Hideko! These photos are so strange to see - without them I couild not imagine the devastation in my mind. I am so happy you are safe and your family.
Too late, however, I wish you a happy birthday, dear Hideko!
We have these fotos daily in the news here in Germany, its so strange and so terrible!
I'm happy, that you and you familiy are safe!
Best wishes,
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