It's the third week has started since the day of March 11. Still TV news pains our hearts everytime, everyday. The nuclear plant in Fukushima is also still our most biggest concerns. Those are mourning hearts I pieced today.
宮城: 死亡 6,477 安否不明 8,936 避難 85,039
Miyagi Prefecture: 6,477 victims, 8,936 people missing, 85,039 in shelters
岩手: 死亡 3,185 安否不明 4,732 避難 43,879
Iwate Prefecture: 3,185 victims, 4,732 people missing, 43,879 in shelters
福島: 死亡 948 安否不明 5,723 避難 86,313
Fukushima Prefecture: 948 victims, 5,723 people missing, 86,313 had to flee from the nuclear plants.
茨城: 死亡 20 安否不明 1 避難 2,509
Ibaragi Prefecture:
東北地方:死亡 10,613 安否不明 19,402 避難 219,181
Tohoku Region
全国:死亡 10,668 安否不明 19,395 避難 243,345
As a whole country of Japan
My uncle and aunt have died in those hard days in each living place though theirs were not caused of quake nor tsunami.
Those hearts are so beautiful, thank you for showing us. I am so sorry for all the pain still continuing in your country.
Your mourning hearts and all the numbers brought tears to my eyes. So many people to mourn and so much sorrow. May each stitch help to heal your heart, and each helping hand help to mend your country.
For so much suffering are no words
Dear Hideko-san
I am sorry for your loss. Although their death was not caused by the quake or tsunami it is still another sadness for you in such terrible times.
Your hearts are beautiful.
Terrible, Hideko, to read all those numbers of missing people. I hope they will get the nucliar plant under control soon!
You hearts are a tribute to all who lost their lives.
What else can we do....
So poignant, Hideko! A day doesn't go by that I don't think of you and your country. My thoughts are with you always.
Your hearts are really good expressions of the pain and sorrow.We nearly can't understand the enormous lost of people.
Beautiful hearts, Hideko. You also have a beautiful heart, Dear One. The dead and suffering are never far from our thoughts, but it is frustrating to feel so helpless. Have you heard yet about Tomoko? And it is so sad to hear about your aunt and uncle. Our thoughts and hearts are with you.... Hugs, Cathy
Your hearts are beautiful and elegant and so so sad. The numbers of victims and people missing still just makes me shake my head. I heard on the news that there was another earthquake so I am wondering how this one has affected you? Thinking of you always.
Your hearts are so beautiful and so sad. My prayers are with you, your family and all the people of Japan.
Hideko your hearts are beautiful but with such sadness. The numbers are unbelievable. I pray for the people of Japan every day. I have not finished my cq block yet but I have done a traditional quilt for Hearts and Hands that I posted on my blog. It seems like little comfort that we are doing but yet what else can we do. If there is anything Hideko please let us know.
your mourning hearts remind us of the losses by the people of Japan - all those lost from the coastal cities through the Tsunami- and those lost from the earthquake. I heard that Japan had been moved 3 metres - truly amazing Hideko- I pray for you always but even more so now- this is a time of uncertainly, as soon as I hear something has moved again- the nuclear plant or the aftershocks and then theres all of those who have died through normal reason ie Heart attacs or the cold. japan has such a terrible time and I so feel for her and her people, Hideko n your family and emiko and all those still in the Sendai regions please stay safe
u have my heart Hideko
love n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Oh, Dear Hideko!
So beautiful hearts and so full of sorrow. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Hideko, My heart cries for you and the saddness that has been brought to your country. My each day give you strength to get through this ordeal and bring a little bit of sunshine to brighten your days.
Many thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Dear Hideko
Though our paths have not crossed in the past ... I trust in those who have come to know you as a CQ Sister and stand with them to let you know how much we care ... and that we want to help so very badly ... especially when we see how this event has been so devistating ... not only by the sheer numbers of dead and missing ... but to you personally.
Our hearts and hands are going out to you ... and we hope that our efforts can help ... if not immediately ... that eventually.
As many have said ... your hearts are so very beautiful ... but so filled with sadness. Take solace in your stitching ... express it however you feel ... as it will surely help you begin the almost surmountable task of healing.
We who live without your pain can only feel for your situation ... we give our prayers for those lost ... our hope for those missing and our tears for your whole country.
Gain what strength you can from our comfort ... and have faith that we will help with our collective efforts ... and we hope it will make some impact on a mere few who have been affected ...especially those who are close to you.
Big Hugs ... Marie
Your hearts are beautiful! The numbers that you listed are heartwrenching. Our prayers and thoughts are with you always.
Donna, Jonathan & Donavan
Please contact me via e-mail( you have time.
Your needle has spoken volumes when we cannot find the words to describe such horrific loss. I am sorry to hear about your Aunt and Uncle and I hope they found some peace in death that they did not find in life.
Keep stitching and praying and healing Hideko. It's such a gift that you are here and sharing your story with us all.
The numbers lost and displaced are staggering. Yet your hearts, though mournful, show tremendous love and hope.
Much courage and strength to you, your family and to Japan. Susan E.
Hideko the numbers have me in tears. My heart aches for you and your country. The hearts are a beautiful tribute, my prayers remain with you and Japan.
Your hearts are such an expression of the grief and saddness we all feel for you and your country. We pray for the souls that have passed and pray the missing are found.
Hideko, it is nearly impossible to get our minds wrapped around the sheer numbers of people so terribly affected. Your hearts express all of our feelings of deep sorrow and loss. Your strength and belief in a better tomorrow will be very valuable to
your country. Take care, Lynn
Dear Hideko
You are doing something very meaningfull in your quilt top. Years from now it will enable your children to remember what happened and where it happened.
I like the idea of the circles around the plant and the evacuated areas. I am glad you are still way outside of that.
Our hearts go out to you and we are thinking of you constantly.
Take care of yourself, hubby
and children.
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