Around my PC corner in living room. Fortunately the PC didn't fall down then.
A book shelf fell down.
The quake occured at 14:46pm here. It was lucky at the least we had enough time to clean up to make a space for life and draw out some goods for survivals, ex. candles, handlights, radio, tins, etc before it got dark.
Hello Hideko, Thank you for taking the time to take pictures for us. It must be diffult now to rebuild everything. I hope your house self has no damages, you cerntanly has much cleaning up work. Stay strong, you, your family and whole Japan are in my prayers. Hugs, Mireille
How fritening that everything falls down in your house. We here in western Europe are not familiar with this and to me it all looks scary what I see on TV every day. Take care Hideko. Hug, Ati. ( making a block for the Sendai project)
It does indeed look very frightning. I am just grateful that you and everyone else I know in Japan has survived. The ensuing problems still fill our news every day so you are still very much in our thooughts.
How frightening it must have been for you! I was in a very small small earthquake when I lived in Vancouver - I slept right through it and only had a few pictures and knick knacks fall down - nothing like this! Hugs, Kerry
Your country is dealing with so many disasters and I pray relief comes for you all soon. There has been a lot of coverage in the states and I can't even fathom what you are all going through. Just know you are in my prayers. Hugs, Connie
.such a frightening time it must have been. I'm glad that only things were knocked about in your home, and that you are safe. Blessings to you and all the people of Japan.
Hewoo Hideko thank yo for the photos of your home post earthquake- Japan is having so many problems following the earthquake and tsunami- its terrifying - even though you survived that day now the worry is Fukushima and that is already terrifying your country and every other country in the world who have Nuclear plants as well. Here in Australia this has slowed down all the talk by our Government re us putting up our own Nuclear plants and I am thankful for that- I am not a supporter of this type of power usage- to many things can go wrong as is again being proved sadly in youor country Hideko loove n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxox
Hello Hideko,
Thank you for taking the time to
take pictures for us.
It must be diffult now to rebuild everything. I hope your house self has no damages, you cerntanly has much cleaning up work.
Stay strong, you, your family and whole Japan are in my prayers.
How fritening that everything falls down in your house. We here in western Europe are not familiar with this and to me it all looks scary what I see on TV every day.
Take care Hideko.
Hug, Ati. ( making a block for the Sendai project)
It does indeed look very frightning. I am just grateful that you and everyone else I know in Japan has survived. The ensuing problems still fill our news every day so you are still very much in our thooughts.
I wish you and your loved ones all the best take care
love Emmy
How frightening it must have been for you! I was in a very small small earthquake when I lived in Vancouver - I slept right through it and only had a few pictures and knick knacks fall down - nothing like this!
Your country is dealing with so many disasters and I pray relief comes for you all soon. There has been a lot of coverage in the states and I can't even fathom what you are all going through. Just know you are in my prayers. Hugs, Connie
.such a frightening time it must have been. I'm glad that only things were knocked about in your home, and that you are safe. Blessings to you and all the people of Japan.
I wish you a nice weekend,
So glad you are ok Hideko! My heart goes out to you and all whom have suffered from this tragedy.
Hope your ok, please take care,my prayers are with you and your country xxxxxxxxx
Hewoo Hideko
thank yo for the photos of your home post earthquake- Japan is having so many problems following the earthquake and tsunami- its terrifying - even though you survived that day now the worry is Fukushima and that is already terrifying your country and every other country in the world who have Nuclear plants as well. Here in Australia this has slowed down all the talk by our Government re us putting up our own Nuclear plants and I am thankful for that- I am not a supporter of this type of power usage- to many things can go wrong as is again being proved sadly in youor country Hideko
loove n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxox
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